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About - Policy - ILL Textbook


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Interlibrary Loan - Textbook / Required Reading Policy


policy takeaways

Policy takeaways:

  • You are unable to borrow required textbooks via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
  • Book arrival times can be lengthy and ILL borrowing periods are short term.
  • Students must purchase their textbooks.

Text Box

Though we understand that textbook prices are especially high, the library is unable to borrow required class textbooks via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

ILL material is short term borrowing and you would not be able to keep the book for the entire semester:

  • Due dates are set by the lending library, not UVM Libraries.
  • Renewals are not always allowed by the lending library.
  • A renewal is usually only allowed once, and often for only an additional week or two.


  • Loaned books usually take one-two weeks to arrive, so you would already be far behind in your class work and reading by the time they arrive.
  • Few libraries purchase textbooks and, if they do, they put them on reserve for student's to check out for a set amount of time.
  • Even fewer libraries have the newest editions that are required for classes.
  • Interlibrary Loans are subject to immediate recall by the lending library. So you might only have it for a week before the lending library requests it be returned. Should you not return the ILL book upon recall, your ILL privileges will be blocked and you will incur fines and fees.
  • Though interlibrary loans do not cost you anything, there is a cost to the library for borrowing and shipping. The library does not have the funding to request hundreds of student textbooks.


Phone: 802-656-2242
Location: Howe Library, Room 313