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Books Quick Guide

Monograph (Book written by one or more primary authors)

AMA Monograph Example



Type the name of the author in inverted (last name first) format without periods. Do not use "and" between names; use a comma to separate more than one name, and place a period at the end.

  • Doe, JF.
  • Doe JF, Roe JP.

If the book has one to six authors, list all of the authors in the order that they appear.

  • Doe JF, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr, Loe JT Sr, Poe EA, van Voe AE.

If the book has six or more authors, list the first three and then add "et al." at the end.

  • Doe JF, Roe JP III, Coe RT Jr, et al.


SEE ALSO: Section 3.7 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information about authors.


Capitalize the first letter of each major word, including 2 letter verbs such as "is". Place the entire title into italics. Use a colon to separate the main title and the subtitle.

  • Smith, S. Clinical Nursing Skills: Basic to Advanced Skills. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall; 2008.

Do not capitalize articles, prepositions of 3 or fewer letters (e.g. as, off), coordinating conjunctions (e.g. and, or, for, but, yet, so), or the "to" infinitives.


SEE ALSO: Section 3.9 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information about titles.


List all editions of a book other than the first edition. Do not indicate a first edition. Do not use Roman numerals.

  • Levangie PK, Norkin CC. Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis. 4th ed. FA Davis Co.; 2005.

Abbreviate "New revised edition" as "New rev ed," "Revised edition" as "Rev ed," and "American edition" as "American ed."


SEE ALSO: Section 3.12.7 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information on edition numbers.


Enter the full name of the publisher as shown on the title page (even if the name of the publisher has changed since the book was published), with the following changes: omit the period after any abbreviations (e.g. Co, Inc, Corp and Ltd); abbreviate the words Company, Corporation, Brothers, Incorporated, and Limited even if they are spelled out; use an ampersand (&) instead of the word "and"; and delete periods even if they appear in initials.

Place a semi-colon at the end of the publisher's name.

  • Levangie PK, Norkin CC. Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis. 4th ed. FA Davis Co.; 2005.

Do not include the location of the publisher.

If there is no publisher's name available use "Publisher unknown" in the place of the publisher's name.


SEE ALSO: Section 3.12.8 and 13.7 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information about publisher names.


Write out the full date e.g. 2019. Do not abbreviate the date e.g. '16.

  • American Psychological Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

If you are not required to include page numbers in your reference, place a period after the date. If you are including page numbers, place a colon.


SEE ALSO: Section 3.12.9 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information about publication dates.

Page Range

Use Arabic numerals, unless the pages referred to use Roman numerals, such as in the introductory sections of a book. Do not enter a space between the preceding colon and the page range.

  • American Psychological Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association; 2013:42-45.

Type a period after the page range.


SEE ALSO: Section 3.12.10 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information about page numbers.