If you love libraries and have a passion for research, you may wonder about ways to contribute. There are many opportunities — you can fund the purchase of a collection or the creation of a program. You can consider funding interns, or you can give your time.
We have developed some ways you can donate to a specific library need. Perhaps you'd like your donation to fund the publication of books for the UVM Press, provide students with paid internships or fund the improvements of technology in our spaces.
The gift of money gives the most flexibility to the libraries to apply donations where they are most needed. You can donate online or by contacting our director of giving.
When you complete your giving information online, you are welcome to tell us more about where you'd like us to apply your gift. For example, some donors may have a strong interest in donating to our Special Collections Library. Tell us more!
The Libraries’ robust external advisory board of alums, staff, faculty and students is an additional way to get involved and stay connected to the Libraries.
The board comes to campus twice a year and stays in touch with our dean and director of giving. Board members usually have a special connection to UVM and affinity for the work of libraies
Over the years, contributions have helped the Special Collections library build its unique rare book and Vermont research collection.
Each of our libraries works with donors to identify materials that are appropriate .
Because of limited space and the expense of cataloging new items, we have to be very selective about what donations of materials we can say yes to.
"The idea is, to do something while you have the pleasure of seeing the result of your philanthropy."
Following the donation of his collection of 8,000 books on proverbs, Dr. Wolfgang Mieder made a second financial donation to expedite the cataloging of his materials — necessary but labor-intensive work in order to make the materials more accessible to the public.
You are cordially invited to become a member of the Friends of Special Collections at UVM, a group of individuals who share an interest in books and manuscripts and help the University of Vermont library maintain its fine collections of original and scarce research material. To join the Friends of Special Collections, please contact us at 802-656-2138 or by email.