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About - About the Libraries


We are the libraries and archives of the University of Vermont. We have three on-campus library locations, each with unique collections and individuals to support your research and learning. Learn about the UVM Libraries

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About the Libraries


Intro Text Box

We are the libraries and archives of the University of Vermont. We have three on-campus libraries, each with unique collections and individuals to support your research and learning. Read about the things that drive us, the ways we work and our talented employees. We're here to help.

employee directory card

Two library employees chatting in the stacks of government documents

Employee directory

Find contact information for people who work at UVM Libraries.

our values card

students applying wall text to McCrorey art gallery in Howe library

Our values

Learn who we are and what motivates us.

library policies card

students at work in the Silver Special Collections reading room

Library policies

Rules and guidelines for using UVM Libraries spaces and resources.

news and events card

students gather to hear two professors read from a research paper

News and events

Explore what's going on at the libraries.

give to the libraries card

Hallway in medical education center outside of Dana library

Give to the library

If you love libraries, learn about how you can contribute.

employment card

employees working in the Center for Multimedia Development

Employment and fellowships

Explore opportunities to work at UVM Libraries.

who can use

Student wearing scrubs in Dana Health Sciences Library studying in study carrel

Who can use the library?

Learn about what’s available to you through the UVM Libraries.

community partnerships

billboard advertising author talk outside howe library

Community partnerships

We love working with Vermont schools and residents. Learn about the many ways to partner with us.

uvm press card

close-up of UVM press on computer screen

The University of Vermont Press

The UVM Press publishes scholarly journals and books – free access to all.


Meet our libraries


Students and professionals in health sciences need experts who understand their specialized research needs, from navigating gray literature to conducting systematic reviews. The staff at Dana are experienced guides and adaptable instructors who are ready to tailor research support for research, education, or patient care.
Howe Library is a hub for collaboration across disciplines. Whether 3D printing in our technology lab, reserving space for a group project, or speaking with a reference librarian, Howe is where information and people meet. We are responsive to the university’s needs and will help all members of the UVM and Vermont communities deepen their knowledge.
Silver Special Collections stewards and shares our collective story. We provide access to research materials relating to the study of Vermont, the history of the University of Vermont, and the history of the book as a form of humanistic expression.