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David W. Howe Memorial Library


Dana Health Sciences Library

David W. Howe Memorial Library

Howe is where information and people meet. Whether 3D printing in our technology lab, working on a group project, or connecting with a reference librarian, find expert research support at Howe.

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538 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405
(802) 656-2023

Card 1 Overview

student working at white board in a group study room in Howe

Study spaces in Howe

You can reserve a study room for 2-10 people. Or you can use one of our many non-reservable spaces. Explore what we have or make a reservation.

Card 1 - Overview

student typing on laptop

Research Guides

Expertly curated guides for classes, topics and more. Find your class guide for a specific course, learn where to start your research within a broad subject area and more.

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computer screen with catquest


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referece desk in Howe Library

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Want to talk with a librarian about a project? Get expert advice on statistics? Learn about GIS? Find more quality articles to cite? Schedule something today.

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(802) 656-2023

There’s always something going on in our Center for Multimedia Development lab / tech sandbox. This lab space in the atrium of Howe Library contains tools for experimentation and creativity for the UVM community, including:

  • 3D printing
  • Virtual reality services for classes
  • Specialized software -- Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.), media applications, Geographic Information Services (GIS) software, statistical applications, data visualization applications, 3D modeling applications and more
  • Alienware PCs that are capable of intensive processing and gaming
  • Mac Studio computer lab


Howe Library is home to a few partner organizations at UVM that focus on teaching and learning.

Undergraduate Writing Center

Located on the ground floor of Howe Library, the Undergraduate Writing Center works with undergraduate students of all writing abilities and course levels.  

Tutors will help with the immediate needs of a writing project while also supporting students' development as writers.  From reviewing assignments, brainstorming, and getting organized, to forming an argument, revising, and citing sources, peer writing tutors can assist students at any point in the writing process.

Graduate Writing Center

The Graduate Writing Center supports students in all fields in all types of communication from articles to posters to proposals and more.

The Graduate Writing Center is located on Ground Level of Howe Library. Turn right when coming down the front stairs, walk past the Undergraduate Writing Center, then you'll find it on your left.

Learn more about our offerings or make an appointment with a tutor.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The CTL is a team of faculty and staff who support and promote effective teaching and thoughtful use of educational technology across the campus. We provide consultations to faculty and graduate teaching assistants about teaching and instructional technology.

Learn more

Writing in the Disciplines

Writing in the Disciplines offers workshops, faculty learning groups and faculty writing retreats to support faculty both in their own personal writing projects and in teaching students the essentials of writing and learning.

Learn more.

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Zora Hurston standing beating a hountar or mama drum.

Black History Month Resource Round-up

In honor of Black History Month, we are highlighting the American Library Association's Resource Round-up. These resources offer vital information in the form of archival documents and images, stories about the origins of Black History Month, key figures in history and the cultural significance of African American historical contributions spanning 400 years. 

Explore the resource round-up

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Libraries seek your input on possible replacement for Web of Science

The Libraries are asking for your help in evaluating the relative merits of two competing products as we consider a potential replacement for our Web of Science subscription. If you currently use Web of Science in your research, please read more to get context for this request; consider testing Scopus (the potential replacement); and share your thoughts by July 1. 

Read more and share your thoughts.

A laptop shows a screen that says "Scopus: Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, trusted abstract and citation database."