Access your library accounts; request materials from interlibrary loan; make sure you have full access to library resources or recommend a purchase. This page gathers what you need to know about borrowing, renewing, and accessing library resources.
Your CATQuest library account is where you can place a hold, see and renew your checked-out items, or create or view a list of your favorites. This page will lead you to two options: you can log into CATQuest or you can log into your interlibrary loan account.
Log in to request materials from other libraries, access your requested item, or view the status of your requests.
Suggest materials that you would like UVM Libraries to purchase.
We have cameras, tripods, recording equipment and more available to UVM students, faculty and staff.
You can access library resources whether you’re on or off-campus! Learn about where to start to get access to our materials.