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About - Policy - Dana Borrowing


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Dana Library Borrowing Policy


policy takeaways

Policy takeaways:

  • Certain rules about checking items out of the libraries help us keep track of the thousands of items in our buildings.
  • On this page we describe who can take things out and for how long, how to place holds or renew items, and fines that you are responsible for if you return items after its due date or lose an item.

Text Box

Loans will be made to the following individuals:

  • Members of the UVM community presenting a valid UVM ID.
  • UVM Medical Center employees presenting a valid UVM Medical Center badge.

UVM and UVM Medical Center affiliates may check out a maximum of 100 items from the circulating collections of the UVM Libraries at any one time.

All persons not permitted direct loans as defined above must obtain books through their local library as an interlibrary loan.

General borrowing privileges

You may use any library on campus subject to the policies governing that specific library. You may use non-circulating materials (reference) in the library. You may make use of other library services, such as reference assistance and photocopy machines. Your card is non-transferable and may be used only in person.

Loan policy

Materials: Loan period Renewable *
Books 60 days 1 time
Media 4 weeks 3 times

*unless recalled

Holds and searches

If you cannot locate a book on the shelf, check CATQuest to see if the book has been checked out to someone. You will be notified when the requested book has been returned, and it will be held for you at the Main Desk for seven days.

If the book is not on the shelf and is not checked out to someone, please request that a search be conducted by notifying staff at the Main Desk.

Recalled books

Any library material you have checked out may be recalled for use by a UVM student, faculty member, or staff member. If you do not return a recalled item by the date indicated on the recall notice, you will be charged a $10 recall overdue fee, and you will lose borrowing privileges until the book is returned to the library.

Although we do not recall books for alumni borrowers, we will place a hold on an item.

Overdue materials, fines, and replacement charges

All library users are subject to overdue charges if an item is not returned by the due date. A due date is stamped in the back of each charged item.  Failure to receive overdue notices does not excuse a user from overdue charges. If you do not promptly return books, you will incur late charges.

If you do not return an item within seven days of the due date, you will incur an overdue transaction charge of $10.00 for each overdue item. Cost of replacement is based on the item price. Cost adjustments are made for expensive items or items that may have to be searched for and obtained from the out-of-print book market.


Renewals may be done in person, by phone at (802) 656-2200, by e-mail, or online.

View your account to see your checked-out items. You can renew items here and place a hold on items currently checked out to other patrons.

For more information

For more information about borrowing materials, please email the Dana Health Sciences Library at