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About - Employment and Fellowships


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Employment and Fellowships


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Our talented community of employees makes the UVM Libraries great. There are several ways that people come to work with us. 

staff-fac positions


Staff and faculty positions

Like any UVM department, when we have an open position, it is posted on the Human Resources UVM Jobs website. (

Search tips:

  • Use the keyword “library”
  • Sort by one of our libraries, listed in UVM jobs as:
    • Dana Health Sciences Library
    • Howe Library
    • Libraries – Deans Ofc Silver Special Collections Lib



Internships for UVM students

Internships allow students to acquire hands-on experience in a professional setting, somehow related to their area of study. These may be paid opportunities, work-study opportunities, credit-bearing opportunities, and sometimes internships can be both for credit and paid. If the Libraries are offering an internship, it may be posted on the UVM Student Employment Office JobX platform. Login with your UVM NetID and password. 

At times, students may contact Special Collections directly to discuss internship opportunities that they are thinking about or that they've heard about through their UVM college. When in doubt, just reach out.

Library employees wishing to create an internship opportunity in their department should seek approval from the dean before working with the Student Employment Office.

student employees


UVM student employees

We hire part-time student employees at the beginning of semesters, and we can often work around class schedules.

Open student worker positions are posted at the beginning of the semester on the UVM Student Employment Office JobX platform. Login with your UVM NetID and password.

In Howe or Dana libraries, library assistant positions might work at the main or circulation desks, cataloging books, or at the Media Services desk. Student employees in the libraries may be the first point of contact for library patrons.

In Silver Special Collections, student workers may connect researchers with resources or help staff prepare historical documents and archival records for use by researchers.

We welcome students who qualify for federal work study to apply, but it is not a requirement that you have a work study grant. Stop by any of our three library main service desks to chat with us about employment.



Research fellowships

Fellowships allow researchers paid opportunities to conduct their own work over a set period of time.

Silver Special Collections Library offers pathways for the following research fellowships:

  • The New England Regional Fellowship Consortium provides support for at least eight weeks of research in member libraries. The deadline is usually February 1.
  • Our Special Collections Library offers access to the Prospect collections--formerly a school and research center. The Prospect School Practitioner Fellowships provide faculty, independent researchers, students, classroom teachers, principals, administrators, and other community members an opportunity to work with these research archives. The deadline is usually in February.

Feature Box - Dark Green Background

framed artifact from the Leahy collection

Library Interns Stretch Archival Knowledge Through Leahy Archive Work

When Senator Patrick Leahy donated his collection of documents, papers, posters, recordings and more from his 48 years in office, his gift created opportunities for interns to support the archival librarians who are preparing this amazing collection for public access.

Read about their work