This resource, created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL), provides comprehensive access to U.S. agricultural and life science information, including journal articles, books chapters, monographs, theses, patents, and technical reports. AGRICOLA covers all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including plant sciences, forestry, and environmental sciences.
This resource provides comprehensive coverage to scholarly literature and popular press in the biological and agricultural sciences, including biology, botany, ecology, environmental sciences, food science, plant pathology, soil science, and zoology.
This resource provides access to the scholarly literature across disciplines, and includes citations to journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and more. It includes a cited reference search feature that enables users to trace the impact of individual scholars' work, analyzes search results by discipline, and creates citation reports of a set of search results. NoteDue to budget constraints, the UVM Libraries is currently evaluating the possibility of replacing Web of Science with Scopus. If you use Web of Science, please try Scopus. and Send us Your Feedback.
This resource is a searchable multidisciplinary database of the full content of archival issues of scholarly journals. Issues published within the last 3-5 years are generally not covered. It also provides citations to books and pamphlets provided by JSTOR in digital format.
A JSTOR collection featuring nearly three million high-resolution digitized plant specimens from contributing herbaria around the world. Also includes reference works and primary sources, such as collectors’ correspondence and diaries, paintings, drawings, and photographs.
This resource is a multidisciplinary compendium of databases that covers broadly: agriculture, environmental sciences, pollution, energy, ecology, air and water quality, and other environmentally related topics. It includes references to journal articles, reports, books, conference proceedings and government publications. It contains citations with abstracts and some links to full text.
Strong international coverage. This resource covers international applied life and environmental sciences literature, including journal articles, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, newsletters, reports, and gray literature.
This resource references journal and periodical articles, conference papers, and monographs in broad areas related to the environment, including but not limited to: ecology, energy, natural resources, geography, pollution, law, policy, social and human impacts, and planning. It includes some full text and links to full text.
Database of citations to nutrition and agricultural journal articles. Many citations link to full text. If no full text is linked, search for the article in CATQuest, or ask for it through interlibrary loan.
This free resource comprises citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. This resource is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). searches over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results.