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German Language & Literature

This guide is an introduction to some of the major reference works and databases of scholarly research in the field of German language and literature.

Advanced Writing Style

Helpful phrases for writing essays and other documents

Consult the following German-English/English-German dictionaries for sentence examples, sample letters, useful phrases for essays, and other types of writing.

Highly Recommended:

Collins German Dictionary

REF PF3640 .C64 1999 (Reference) - See the Language in Use/ Sprache Aktiv section (shaded mid-section of the book), especially "Essay Writing," for excellent examples of how to explain, develop an argument, express opinions, and much more.

Collins/PONS Deutsch-Englisch English-German

REF PF3640 .H28 1997 (Reference) - Same content found in the preceding dictionary but in a different lay-out. 

Oxford-Duden German Dictionary

REF PF3640 .O94 1999 (Reference) - See pages 867-899 (shaded mid-section of the book) for examples of letters and useful phrases.



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Daisy Benson
David W. Howe Memorial Library, Room 100