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A listing of some basic reference works, databases, and Web sites for research in music and its many related fields, with an invitation to browse and discover other resources in print and online.
This resource provides access to a wide variety of research materials from the UVM Libraries. Use it to locate books, articles, government publications, films, music, images, archival materials, and more.
This resource provides historical access to the Los Angeles Times (1881-1997). Materials are in PDF format and include illustrations, advertisements, and photographs.
This database is a digitized version of the microfilm edition of the Boston Globe (1872-1990). The paper is fully digitized in PDF format and includes news reports, editorials and editorial cartoons, advertisements, reviews, obituaries, and illustrations and photographs.
This resource provides access to full-text articles published in the Chicago Tribune (1849-1998). The paper is in PDF format and includes news reports, editorials and editorial cartoons, advertisements, reviews, obituaries, and illustrations and photographs.
This database provides historical access to the New York Times (1851-2018). The paper is fully digitized in PDF format and includes news articles, editorials, cartoons, advertisements, and more.
This resource provides access to several standard reference sources (see More Info) for the study of music. Both scope and scholarship are international. Biographical entries for composers usually include lists of works, music excerpts, and bibliography.
Grove Dictionary of Music ; New Grove 2001 ; Grove Jazz ; Grove Opera ; Grove American and Grove Instruments (in progress) ; plus, Oxford Dictionary of Music and Oxford Companion to Music.
This index covers international scholarly literature on all aspects of music, ethnomusicology, music therapy, and music education. Dates of publication range from 1967 to present.
This resource is an international index to magazines, scholarly and trade journals pertaining to the performing arts, and extending to stagecraft, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, performance art, comedy, storytelling, and magic. It contains citations to articles, book reviews, performance reviews, obituaries, and biographical profiles.
This resource is a multidisciplinary database that provides access to scholarly journal literature across all disciplines, as well as magazine articles and some newspaper articles. It is a recommended starting point for research on any subject, and very useful for topics that span disciplines. It includes some full text as well as links to full text.
This resource is a searchable multidisciplinary database of the full content of archival issues of scholarly journals. Issues published within the last 3-5 years are generally not covered. It also provides citations to books and pamphlets provided by JSTOR in digital format.
This resource is a searchable multidisciplinary full-text database of scholarly journals primarily in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. It also provides citations to books provided by Project Muse in digital format.