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Try these featured databases for environmental topics.
** If using from off-campus, you will be prompted for your UVM login upon clicking on a database to which the library subscribes. Login for access.
CATQuest is called a discovery tool and is a Google-like “meta” academic search engine designed to search broadly and return very large sets of results.
It searches lots (not all) of the content in databases subscribed to by the library. It is the big search box on the UVM Libraries home page.
The study of the environment is broadly interdisciplinary and, depending on the nature of your research, you may find references to environmentally related scholarly journal literature in databases across the wide range of disciplines.
Look at Research Databases (subject) for further resources that will be useful to you. (Click on the Browse by subject link on the right side of the screen). Comprehensive interdisciplinary research involves using a variety of research databases.