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NR 3010: Research Methods - Fisher & Kutner (2024-25)

Using web sites for research

Web sources can be particularly hard to evaluate; here is a handy acronym to help you determine whether you should use a particular web site for your research or not.

  • CURRENCY How recently was this information published/posted? Can you find a publication date?
  • RELIABILITY:  Is the information supported by evidence? Can it be confirmed by other sources?
  • AUTHORITY:  Who wrote the information - are they an expert or knowledgeable in their field? (i.e. For health information, did a doctor or nurse write it? For science information, did a scientist or researcher write it?)
  • PURPOSE / POINT OF VIEW:  Why was it written? To sell something? To sway opinion? Is it biased toward a particular point of view?

Used with permission from Pace University Library LibGuide: Real News vs. Fake News

Need help?

If you need additional help with your research for this class, please don't hesitate to contact me.  We can set up a time to meet for an individual consultation, and work through all your research questions.
