The Genomic Science research program focuses on developing technologies to understand and use the diverse capabilities of plants and microbes for innovative solutions to Department of Energy's energy and environmental mission challenges. Includes the Human Genome Project and the Microbial Genome Research.
The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.
This website serves an an integrated, one-stop, genomic information infrastructure for biomedical researchers from around the world so that they may use these data in their research efforts. searches over 42 databases and over 2000 selected websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information, including research and development results.
"The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global 'biodiversity commons.' [...] The BHL has digitized millions of pages of taxonomic literature, representing over 120,000 titles and over 200,000 volumes."
AIBS builds community in support of researchers, educators, and scientists who understand the importance of sharing biological discovery and knowledge.
The American Physiological Society (APS) is a nonprofit devoted to fostering education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological sciences.
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization that works to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology through publication of scientific and educational journals.
The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) was founded in 1960 to bring the varied facets of cell biology together. The Society's purpose is to promote and develop the field of cell biology.
The ASM is the world's largest scientific society of individuals interested in the microbiological sciences. The mission of the American Society for Microbiology is to advance the microbiological sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide.
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), founded in 1948, is the primary professional membership organization for human genetics specialists worldwide. The Society’s nearly 8,000 members include researchers, academicians, clinicians, laboratory practice professionals, genetic counselors, nurses and others who have a special interest in the field of human genetics.
The Association of College & University Biology Educators focuses on undergraduate and graduate biology education. Members of ACUBE share their ideas, concerns, and course innovations; present their work at the annual meeting; publish their work in Bioscene, our peer reviewed journal; and participate in the friendly collegiality of the organization.
ESA seeks to promote ecological science by improving communication among ecologists; raise the public's level of awareness of the importance of ecological science; and increase the resources available for the conduct of ecological science.
The European Molecular Biology Organization promotes excellence in molecular life sciences. EMBO recognizes leading researchers, disseminates information and fosters talented scientists - empowering them to understand how life works and contribute knowledge to address the challenges of a changing world.
FASEB's mission is to advance health and welfare by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.
The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of techniques and applications of microscopy and microanalysis in all relevant scientific disciplines.
The Society's charitable objects are to 'promote, for the benefit of the public, the advancement of physiology, and facilitate the intercourse of physiologists both at home and abroad, and thereby contribute to the progress and understanding of biomedical and related sciences and the detection, prevention and treatment of disease, disability and malfunction of physical processes in all forms of life'.
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity.
The Society for Mathematical Biology is an international society which exists to promote and foster interactions between the mathematical and biological sciences communities through membership, journal publications, travel support and conferences.