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Communication Sciences & Disorders

Search for books in CATQuest

CATQuest is a powerful search engine that searches all of UVM Libraries' holdings, including books (print and electronic), journal articles, DVDs, CDs, government documents, movies, images, and more. CATQuest can be searched through the basic search box found on Dana Health Sciences Library's homepage, or via the Advanced Search link.

Suppose you want to find a book on human anatomy. Enter the words human anatomy in the CATQuest basic search box, and click Search.


On the left sidebar, change the Sorting to Date-newest to display the most recent titles on the top of the list.

Select filters to help focus your search. For example, you might choose filters for Available in the Library, Books, and Subject = Human Anatomy.

If you want to limit to E-books, add the filter for Online Resources. This will pull up books from Dana Health Sciences Library's E-Book collections, such as AccessMedicine.

Borrowing books from the library

Borrowing books

Bring any books you would like to borrow to the Library's main desk. Your student ID serves as your library card. The loan period differs between Howe Library and Dana Health Sciences Library, so be sure to note when the books are due.

Renewing a book

If you'd like to keep a particular book beyond its due date, you may renew it by accessing your account online, or by calling (802) 656-2200 or emailing the request to

Hold or Recall

If you would like to borrow a book that is checked out by another patron, you may place either a Hold or a Recall on the book via your online account. You will be notified when the book is available, and it will be held for you at the circulation desk.

On occasion, an item you have checked out may be recalled by another patron. In that case, you will receive an email requesting that you return the item by a specified date.

E-Book Collections