If you need additional help with your research for this class, please don't hesitate to contact me. We can set up a time to meet for an individual consultation, and work through all your research questions.
E-mail: laurie.kutner@uvm.edu
Getting Started
Using the Library
Library materials may be borrowed with a UVM ID card (CatCard).
Library computers are equipped with Microsoft Office products. These computers require your UVM NetID and password to log in.
You can pay for your print jobs and photocopies with your CatCard. Black and white printing costs 5 cents per page.
There are librarians available in the library to answer your research questions and assist you with your research, both in-person at the Reference Desk and remotely through the Ask A Librarian service, which you will see as a pop out on the right side of al library web pages.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind when Researching Environmentally Related Topics
Environmental research is interdisciplinary research.
Search multiple databases across subject areas for information on your topics.
Useful information for your topics is found in many formats – books, journal articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, web pages, and more. Know how to find all these different formats of information.
Beginning your searches with keyword searches is often the best way to start.
Be aware of where your information is coming from, purposes, biases.
Good environmental research is thorough research.
Research Process
Define your research topic or question in one or two succinct sentences.
Identify key search terms (and alternate terms).
Identify the types of materials you want. (books, magazine articles, scholarly journal articles, etc.) Become familiar with the UVM Libraries website.
Identify the resources you need to use to get these materials (i.e., use the Classic Library Catalog to find books we own; article indexes to find journal articles, etc.)
Conduct initial searches.
Based upon results, adjust and refine search terms. If you are not finding what you need try different search terms. Repeat.
Critically evaluate resources for usefulness in answering your research question.
Synthesize research into a cohesive, final product that addresses your research question(s); remember to cite your sources.