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Together We Learn: Resources for our Journeys in Justice & Inclusion

Race Dialogue Series

What is the Race Dialogue Series?

The Race Dialogues is an online Zoom conversation series centered on racial justice created by members of the Larner College of Medicine Class of 2023.

The first summer series was created in June 2020 after the murder of George Floyd in response to the need for education, reflection, and community as the country expressed renewed concern for racial injustice. The weekly discussions feature faculty members, community members, and/or medical student facilitators. Supplemental resources are provided for learning before or after the sessions. The meetings welcome all members of the Larner College of Medicine community and seek to give students space and tools to discuss racism and unpack the role of healthcare in its perpetuation. Each session usually includes an educational component in addition to a reflection and discussion where participation is encouraged.

Each week will be a different topic of conversation, and optional preparation materials (such as podcasts, articles, documentaries etc.) will be distributed to students the week prior. Though each session will stand alone, we hope that you consider treating the summer series as a longitudinal course since these conversations tend to build upon themselves. At the same time, please do not let that deter you from attending individual sessions you are interested in, even if you are unable to make a weekly commitment.

Upcoming Race Dialogues:

Every Tuesday at 6:30 PM from July 13 - August 10
On Zoom

Who Can Attend?

Any UVM Larner College of Medicine medical student and any UVM graduated student.

Sign Up

If you are interested in participating, please fill out our google registration form, and we will be in touch with more information.