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The Review Settings tab is where you will select some of the basic settings for your review. Most of these options are easy to understand, but there are some factors to keep in mind:
When you have finished selecting your options, click the blue Save button.
The Reviewers tab is where the owner of the review can manage team members and invite new team members to the review project. Team members do not have to be affiliated with the University of Vermont or the University of Vermont Medical Center. Invited reviewers will receive an email notifying them of your invitation to join the review.
These videos will demonstrate how to invite a new team member to a review project and how to accept an invitation.
The Team Settings tab is where review members can check the team's progress for the title and abstract screening, full text screening, and data extraction stages.
This is also where you can manage rules to indicate which team members will be screening and resolving conflicts. If you select the "Manage Rules" option, you will have to select specific team members for each task. Remember, systematic reviews should have two independent screeners plus a third reviewer to resolve conflicts.
This video will demonstrate how to use the Team Settings tab.
The Eligibility Criteria tab is where you can define inclusion and exclusion criteria for each element of the PICOS framework. These criteria could relate to participant characteristics, interventions, study design, etc. Generally speaking:
The inclusion and exclusion criteria listed in the boxes below can be viewed by all of the team members during the screening process to remind you of your specific criteria as you judge references.
Once you have finished, click the blue Save button to finish adding the criteria to your review. This support document provides more information about setting inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Highlights & Full Text Exclusion Reasons
This tab also gives you the ability to set two additional functions that can assist you in screening. You can use Highlights to input certain keywords that might suggest inclusion or exclusion. Simply click the white Highlights button, enter the terms in the pop up window, and click Done when finished. When you click the Show Highlights button on the review screen, any words that match your in inclusion highlights will be displayed in green and any exclusion criteria will be highlighted in red. This can help speed up screening. See this support document for more information.
You can also include a set of Full Text Exclusion Reasons to aid in full text screening. Simply click the white Full Text Exclusion Reasons button, enter a reason into the box at the top, click Add, and repeat until finished. Click the blue Done button to apply them to your review.
If you decide to exclude an article, you will have to pick an exclusion reason from the list, which will appear in a blue box. You can edit the list of reasons at this point as well. This support document provides more information about Full Text Exclusion Reasons.
The Study Tags tab is where you can enter in one or more tags to describe some aspect of the studies you are reviewing. You can use these tags to keep track of specific studies in your review project. To add a tag, enter it in the box at the top and click the blue Add button. There are two system tags that you cannot delete: "awaiting classification" and "ongoing study".
To apply a tag, check the box off to the left of the record, click the Tag button at the top of each record and select an option from the list. Note that you can add new tags at this level as well and those tags will be available for other articles.
This support document provides more information about creating and using tags and this video demonstrates how to apply them.