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This guide will help you set up an account in Covidence and provide basic instructions for how to screen studies for a review.

What Is Covidence?

Covidence is a systematic review tool that researchers can use for title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data abstraction, and quality assessment. Covidence was designed by researchers familiar with the systematic review process in order to make conducting reviews more efficient.

Covidence workflow diagram

The University of Vermont Libraries provides access to researchers affiliated with UVM and the University of Vermont Medical Center. This access allows you to create unlimited reviews. 

This guide will show you how to register for an account, set up your review, screen articles, extract data, and perform quality assessment on that data. If you have questions, or run into problems, when using Covidence, please Ask a Librarian for help. 


Would you like additional training on how to use Covidence? Here are the two best options:

  1. Covidence Webinars - Covidence runs monthly webinars that cover everything from the basics to new features. All webinars are free and recorded so you can watch at a later time. 
  2. Group Workshops - We can create a custom workshop on specific topics for small or large groups. Please contact Gary Atwood for more details.