This version of ERIC is licensed by UVM and only accessible to students, staff, and faculty. ERIC is the preferred search tool in the field of education. It contains scholarly and practitioner-oriented articles in peer-reviewed and other journals, papers given at conferences, and scholarly reports in education and the behavioral sciences.
This version of ERIC is made freely available by the US Institute of Education Sciences. It comprised of the same information as the licensed version, but with fewer search interface options.
This resource provides access to articles on all topics relating to gender, sexuality, and women's studies. It includes articles from scholarly and popular journals, newsletters, and government reports. Most articles are available as full-text.
This resource provides information about research materials on all topics relating to gender, sexuality, and women’s studies. It includes information about articles from scholarly and popular journals, newsletters, chapter from books, and government reports.
This collection provides full-text access to current and historically significant Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) journals, magazines, regional newspapers, and a selection of full text e-books.
This resource contains international scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, books and dissertations in psychology, education, and the social, behavioral and health sciences. PsycINFO is the most comprehensive database for literature in the psychological sciences.