Now a subest of JSTOR, this resource provides images of artworks and cultural artifacts of a wide variety of types, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, prints, furniture, textiles, ceramics, and more from around the world. Use the Advanced Search to search by creator, time period, type of work or region of origin.
This resource is a searchable portal to integrated text and image content on world dress and fashion throughout history. It covers all aspects of clothing, dress, fashion, and textiles around the world. It contains the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, fashion and costume dictionaries, and e-books. It provides selected images from the encyclopedia and selected museum collections in the U.S. and abroad. Previously known as Berg Fashion Library.
This archive contains full issues of Vogue magazine from the first issue in 1892 to the current month. The archive is indexed and can be searched by photographer, fashion item (kimono, scoop neckline, Breton jacket), person pictured, company/brand, designer name, or material (chiffon, wool, taffeta).
Image Search Engines - Freely Available on the Internet
An all-digital library that aggregates information and thumbnails for millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more from libraries, archives, and museums in the United States.
Created by UNESCO and the Library of Congress, provides free online access to world cultural treasures. Includes manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, and architectural drawings from a variety of countries, covering the time period 8000 BCE-2000 CE.
Explore the digital resources of Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections. Holdings date back to @the 12th century. Co-funded by the European Union.
This internationally recognized image database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It contains @100,000 images, is global in coverage, and includes all areas of visual imagery.
Search for images and other Internet content from other established web sites (such as Google Images or YouTube) that the content producers stated could be used commercially and/or with modification. For example, when you use Creative Commons to search Google Images, it will return only those images that are labeled for commercial reuse with modification. (read more about Creative Commons).
Digital Image Collections - Freely Available on the Internet
Provides free access to 900,000+ images (some in public domain) digitized from the The NYPL's collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs, streaming video, and more. Search by keyword or Browse Collections.