Before you begin searching for books and articles, use the sources (encyclopedias, handbooks, etc.) listed in the two "Starting Points" pages. They will:
- provide a scholarly yet accessible introduction to your topic in the broadest sense.
- identify key ideas, themes and important people associated with your topic.
- introduce unfamiliar terms that you can add to your list of keywords.
- include a list of books and articles (bibliography) useful for further study.
- Subject encyclopedias, in particular, may help you either choose or narrow/focus a topic.
Call Numbers that are prefaced with REF (e.g., REF PN 1993.45 .G65 2007) indicate that the book is in the Reference Collection, located on the main/1st floor of Howe Library. Books in the reference collection are non-circulating, but you may scan pages for free in the library.