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The resources in this guide will help you to learn more about the objects that you have been assigned to research. Using a variety of resources (both primary and secondary) will help you to understand how your object was produced, used, purchased, and more. Having some knowledge the cultural contexts in which your piece was produced and used will give you a fuller perspective.
Who Who produced the object? Who is the intended user of the object? Who is the intended purchaser of the object? Keep in mind ideas of social status, gender, age, race?
What What is the object? What is the intended use? Was it for everyday use or special use (a luxury item)?
Where Where was the object produced? Was it imported?
When When was the item produced and used? What were the big social, economic, cultural issues at this time?
Why Why is this object significant and different than other similar objects?
Use CATQuest to search the UVM Catalog for books. Search for keywords to start and then add limits post-search to narrow down your results. CATQuest will find books and articles.