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For more instructions and examples, see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, at Howe Library Reference Desk, BF 76.7.A46
In your paper, include a citation wherever you have included information that came from a source—whether quoting directly or restating information in your own words (paraphrasing).
- Include author’s last name and year of publication in parentheses. (If no date, use “n.d.”)
- If there are three or more authors, name only the first and add “et al.”
- For direct quotations, include the page number (or paragraph number or section title of a web page).
- Block indent quotations of 40 or more words.
- If you name the author in the sentence, do not repeat the name in parentheses.
- If a source has no author, use first words of the title. (If title is set it italics in reference list, use italics; otherwise, use quotation marks.)
At the end of your paper, provide a list of sources cited.
- Center the heading “References” in bold type at the top.
- Arrange sources in alphabetical order; use double spacing and hanging indents.
- For each source, include information that would help someone locate the source (title, author, publication date, etc.).