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Centennial Woods Natural Area

Resources about UVM's Centennial Woods Natural Area for students, researchers and visitors.


The Centennial Woods Natural Area developed as the University of Vermont acquired parcels from Burlington and South Burlington property owners, including Baxter (1891), Ainsworth (1904), Hickok (1908), Kirby (1938), and Unsworth (1968). A variety of sources provide information about Native American occupation, Euro-American settlement and land use, and development of the Centennial Woods Natural Area.

Native Americans

Anthropology Students Practice Fieldwork on Campus. Vermont Quarterly 1999 (Fall): 10.
Call number: LH1 .V4 V472 (Special Collections)

Sloma, Robert A. and Peter A. Thomas. Phase 1 Archaeological Site Identification Survey and Data Recovery at VT-CH-663, 300 Grove Street, Burlington, Vermont. Consulting Archaeology Program, University of Vermont, Report No. 149.
Call number: TE24 .V5 U53 no. 149 (Special Collections)

19th-20th Centuries

Blow, David. Historic Guide to Burlington Neighborhhods. Burlington, VT: Chittenden County Historical Society, 1991.
Call number: F59 .B98 A2 1990, volume 2 (B/H 2nd floor, Reference, Special Collections)

Burlington City Directories, 1866-1992.
South Burlington included 1902, 1926-1992.
Call number: F59 .B9 A17 (Special Collections)

 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: Journal Office, 1882.
Call number: F57 .C56 C47 1882-1883 (Special Collections)

Hemenway, Abby. Vermont Historical Gazetteer. Burlington, VT: Miss A. Hemenway, 1886-1891.
Call number: F46 .V583 (Reference, Special Collections)

Rann, W.S. History of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: D. Mason, 1886.
Call number: F57 .C56 R36 1886 (Special Collections) 

University of Vermont Land Records. Deeds and surveys for purchases and sales.
Record Group 15, Binders 173-174. University Archives.

Centennial Woods Natural Area

Collaboration Protects Popular UVM Woodland.
Vermont Land Trust Quarterly Report. 1997 (Summer): 4.
Call number: HD211 .V5 O882 (Special Collections)

Totten, Shay. Agreement Signed to Protect Tract of Centennial Woods.
Vermont Times, May 28, 1997.
UVM Natural Areas Reference Files, Special Collections.

University of Vermont Land Records. 1997 Grant of Development Rights and Conservation Restrictions.
Record Group 45, Box 15, Binders 173-174. (University Archives, Special Collections)

University of Vermont Natural Areas: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees, 1974.