Blow, David. Historic Guide to Burlington Neighborhhods. Burlington, VT: Chittenden County Historical Society, 1991.
Call number: F59 .B98 A2 1990, volume 2 (B/H 2nd floor, Reference, Special Collections)
Burlington City Directories, 1866-1992.
South Burlington included 1902, 1926-1992.
Call number: F59 .B9 A17 (Special Collections)
Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: Journal Office, 1882.
Call number: F57 .C56 C47 1882-1883 (Special Collections)
Hemenway, Abby. Vermont Historical Gazetteer. Burlington, VT: Miss A. Hemenway, 1886-1891.
Call number: F46 .V583 (Reference, Special Collections)
Rann, W.S. History of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: D. Mason, 1886.
Call number: F57 .C56 R36 1886 (Special Collections)
University of Vermont Land Records. Deeds and surveys for purchases and sales.
Record Group 15, Binders 173-174. University Archives.