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The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017) includes two documentation systems. System preference usually depends on the discipline, ask you instructor for clarification if you are unsure which system to use. The system described in this guide, notes and bibliography, requires numbered footnotes or endnotes (or both) and often, a bibliography. (A guide to the other system, the author-date system, is also available.) For detailed information about The Chicago Manual of Style, see the complete manual shelved near the reference desk under the call number: Ref Desk Z253 .U69 2017
Type and center the word NOTES as a header for endnotes or footnotes.
Note (Long): 1. Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry, and Jerry Goldman, The Challenge of Democracy, 6th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000), 45. Note (Short): 1. Janda, Berry, and Goldman, Challenge of Democracy, 45. Bibliography: Janda, Kenneth, Jeffrey M. Berry, and Jerry Goldman. The Challenge of Democracy. 6th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000.
Note (Long): 2. Jay McInnerney et al., Dressed to Kill: James Bond, the Suited Hero (Paris: Flammarion, 1996). Note (Short): 2. McInnerney et al, Dressed to Kill. Bibliography: McInnerney, Jay, Nick Foulkes, Neil Norman, Nick Sullivan, and Colin Woodhead. Dressed to Kill: James Bond, the Suited Hero. Paris: Flammarion, 1996.
Note (Long): 3. Brian McFarlane, ed., An Autobiography of British Cinema (London: Methuen, 1997). Note (Short): 3. McFarlane, Autobiography of British Cinema. Bibliography: McFarlane, Brian, ed. An Autobiography of British Cinema. London: Methuen, 1997.
Note (Long): 4. Julian Petley, "The Lost Continent," in All Our Yesterdays: 90 Years of British Cinema, ed. Charles Barr (London: British Film Institute, 1986), 112. Note (Short): 4. Petley, "Lost Continent," 112. Bibliography: Petley, Julian. "The Lost Continent." In All Our Yesterdays: 90 Years of British Cinema, edited by Charles Barr, 98-119. London: British Film Institute, 1986.
Note (Long): 5. Neil Jamieson, "Vietnamese," in Encyclopedia of World Cultures, ed. David Levinson Boston: G.K. Hall, 1993), 5:285. Note (Short): 5. Jamieson, "Vietnamese," 285. Bibliography: Jamieson, Neil. "Vietnamese." In Encyclopedia of World Cultures, edited by David Levinson, 5:284-287. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1993.
Note (Long): 6. Judy Clark and Gordon MacKerron, "Great Expectations: A Review of Nuclear Fusion Research," Energy Policy 17 (1989): 51-52. Note (Short): 6. Clark and MacKerron, "Great Expectations," 51-52. Bibliography: Clark, Judy, and Gordon MacKerron. "Great Expectations: A Review of Nuclear Fushion Research." Energy Policy 17 (1989): 49-56.
Access date is optional.
Note (Long): 7. R. A. Farley and A. H. Fitter, "Temporal and Spatial Variation in Soil Resources in a Deciduous Woodland," Journal of Ecology 87, no. 4 (1999): 693, accessed December 5, 2013. Note (Short): 7. Farley and Fitter, "Temporal and Spatial Variation," 693. Bibliography: Farley, R. A. and A. H. Fitter. "Temporal and Spatial Variation in Soil Resources in a Deciduous Woodland." Journal of Ecology 87, no. 4 (1999): 688-696. Accessed December 5, 2017.
If there are no page numbers, a descriptive locator can be added; this is optional.
Note (Long): 8. Carol Krucott, "Scientists Say We're Sitting Ourselves to Death. But There's An Easy Solution ... Move!" Prevention 55, no. 7 (2003), under "Dead Man Sitting," http://web5.infotrac. Note (Short): 8. Krucoff, "Scientists Say We're Sitting Ourselves to Death..." Bibliography: Krucoff, Carol. "Scientists Say We're Sitting Ourselves to Death. But There's An Easy Solution ... Move!" Prevention 55, no. 7 (2003): 140-144.
If available, cite the page number in the note, but omit it from the bibliography.
Note (Long): 9. Rick Weiss, "Army's Anthrax Material Surprises Some Experts," Washington Post, December 14, 2001. Note (Short): 9. Weiss, "Army's Anthrax Material". Bibliography: Weiss, Rick. "Army's Anthrax Material Surprises Some Experts." Washington Post, December 14, 2001.
If the article is unsigned, the publisher is listed as the author in the bibliography.
Note (Long): 10. "The Hollywood Political Spigot," Los Angeles Times, November 16, 2003. Note (Short): 10. "Hollywood Political Spigot". Bibliography: Los Angeles Times. "The Hollywood Political Spigot." November 16, 2003.
Note (Long): 13. "Privacy Policy," Google: Policies & Principles, last modified June 24, 2013, Note (Short): 13. Google, "Privacy Policy." Bibliography: Google. "Privacy Policy." Google: Policies & Principles. Last modified June 24, 2013.
Updated by Megan Allison, October 3, 2017
Include as much of the following information as possible: author of the content, title of the site or page, title or owner of the site, and the URL. Date of access should be included if no publication or revision date is listed.
Note (Long): 12. Bruce Drake, "Obama, Bush and the 'Second-term Curse,'" Pew Research Center, December 20, 2013, Note (Short): 12. Drake, "Obama, Bush and the 'Second-term Curse.'" Bibliography: Drake, Bruce. "Obama, Bush and the 'Second-term Curse." Pew Research Center. December 20, 2013.