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Find Your NetID and Set Your Password

This quick guide will show you how to find your NetID and set your password so that you can access UVM resources, including databases and tools from Dana Health Sciences Library.

NetID - Your Access to Online Resources from Dana Health Sciences Library

Physicians who teach UVM students at clinical sites are entitled to Clinical Faculty status and rank.  As a UVM faculty member, you are also entitled to a NetID (Network ID). 

You can use your NetID to access electronic resources from Dana Health Sciences Library such as:

  • UpToDate (a point of care database)
  • Ovid Medline (a database of scholarly and evidence-based articles)
  • Cochrane Library (a database of systematic reviews and other evidence-based articles). 

Your NetID can be up to 8 characters long and is usually some combination of your first (& perhaps middle) initial and your last name.  It may also include a number if someone else at UVM has a name similar to yours.

For example, if your name was Charles A. Dana, your NetID might be:

  • cdana
  • cadana
  • cdana1