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Find Full Text Articles

This guide will show you how to find the full text version of an article (if available) using Dana Health Sciences Library resources.

How to Find Full Text in Library Databases

[NOTE: You must connect to a library database via the Dana Health Sciences Library in order for the Find it@UVM button described in this guide to appear.]


Step 1. Run your search and select a citation for an article that you would like to read

Step 2. Check to see if there is a PDF icon or some other indication that the full text is attached to that record. If there is, click it to view the full text.

Step 3. If not, look for the Find it@UVM button. The location varies from database to database. In this example, it is located on the left-hand side of the record.

Location of Find it @ UVM button in CINAHL

Step 4. Click on the Find it@UVM button. A new tab or window will open up. If Dana Health Sciences Library subscribes to the journal, you should be taken to the article on the journal publisher's web site. You will then need to locate and click on the PDF link there in order to read the article.

Example showing location of PDF button on publisher homepage

In some instances, you may be taken to a different library database instead of the publisher's website. Simply click the PDF button to read the article.

What If I Don't See a Find it@UVM Button?

There are a small number of databases, most notably PubMed, that do not display the Find it@UVM button on the search results page. To see it, you must first click on the article title to open the full record. Then look for a PDF icon (or some other link to full text) or the Find it@UVM button as you see here:

Location of Find it @ UVM button in PubMed


What If There Is No Full Text?

If Dana Health Sciences Library does not have full text access to the article, a different window will appear that looks like this:

Dana Health Sciences Library Link to Interlibrary Loan Form

The library can attempt to get a copy of the article you need through Interlibrary Loan. Simply click the Dana Health Sciences Library Interlibrary Loan Service link and fill out the form that appears. We will contact you when your article is available.



If you can't get to the full text or if the Interlibrary Loan screen does not appear, please Ask Dana for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on each question to read the answer.

QI've looked but I can't find a Find it @ UVM button. Where is it?

A. In some databases, the Find it @ UVM button shows up in each citation on the results screen. In others, you have to actually click on the title of the article you are interested in reading to see the button. There are also some databases, such as Visual DX and UptoDate, that do not have Find it @ UVM buttons at all. If you think the button should be there and it isn't, please Ask Dana for help.


QI clicked on the Find it @ UVM button but my article didn't appear. Instead, it looks like the table of contents from the most recent issue of the journal. What do I do now?


QI've checked and it looks like my article isn't available in full text. What do I do now?