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This guide describes what an ORCID iD is and how to create and use one.


  1. Access your UVM Directory Information record ( You will need to log in with your NetID.

  2. Scroll down to the  Create/Connect my ORCID iD buttonORCID integration button  and click.

  3. Follow the prompts to either Register with ORCID or, if you already have an ORCID iD, log into your existing ORCID account to connect it with UVM.

  4. Use your ORCID iD wherever you talk about your research - profiles, email signatures, applications, when submitting publications, and reporting research activities. 

Why connect UVM’s institutional ORCID account to researcher ORCID accounts?

Because ORCID iDs are a critical part of the university’s efforts to comply with the National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33) and the implementation guidance issued by the Office of Science and Technology (OSTP), Enterprise Technology Services created an integration for UVM’s institutional ORCID account to connect to individual researcher ORCID accounts.

This institutional connection will be required of a researcher applying for federal funding as federal agencies implement incorporating digital persistent identifiers (ORCID iD) into the disclosure processes, bolstering research security and integrity while reducing administrative burden. See Why ORCID? in this guide for more information.