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Public Health


  • Ethnomed
    • Provides information on cross-cultural issues for recent immigrants. Includes collection of patient information sheets on general clinical topics such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, mental health, etc. in 10 languages.
  • Global Index Medicus
  • The Lancet Global Health Portal
  • Kaiser Family Foundation – Global Health Policy
  • SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) Public Health
  • JOL: Journals Online
  • Suggested Searches for Global Health Topics in PubMed

Data & Statistics

  • The DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) Program
    • Reports on population, health, HIV, and nutrition data from 90+ countries. Data gathered via 300+ surveys. Adminitered by USAID
  • Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data
    • Statistics – WHO’s gateway for health-related statistics for 194 member countries. Monitors global, regional, and country specific health situation and trends. Includes theme pages that focus on health priorities e.g. mortality, infectious disease, etc. Some charts and data can be downloaded into Excel.
  • Global Health Data Exchange
    • Created and maintained by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. Self-described as “the world’s most comprehensive catalog of surveys, censuses, vital statistics, and other health related data.”
  • HealthMap
    • Delivers real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases. Data is gathered from a wide variety of sources including online news aggregators, eyewitness reports, and validated official reports. A mobile app is available.
  • Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
    • Contains 6,600+ datasets from 1,000+ sources that are free for anyone to use. Focuses primarily on Africa, but also covers countries in other parts of the world.
  • ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
  • International Health Care System Profiles
    • Provides an overview of the health care system in 24 countries. Data can be search by country name or by features such as who is covered, health care quality, costs, etc.
  • United Nations – Human Development Reports
    • Provides an overview of key aspects of human development via 17 statistical tables for 188 countries. Individual country reports available.
  • World Bank: Health, Nutrition, and Population Dashboards
    • Includes 250+ indicators on topics such as health financing, incidence of non-communicable diseases, nutrition, etc. Can generate reports on specific indicators and countries, which can be downloaded.
  • World Bank: Open Data
    • Portal that provides access to all public World Bank data on developing countries around the world. Can be searched by keyword or browse by country or indicators such as education, environment, gender, health, poverty, etc.

Country Profiles