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Statistical Software


R is free, open-source statistical analysis software, available for all commonly used operating systems. R is developed cooperatively and noncommercially under the auspices of the Free Software Foundation. R download and installation instructions are available from the R-project.

RStudio is a user interface that allows users to write and run R syntax and display output from R programs. RStudio is a freely available commercial product. RStudio download and installation instructions are available on the RStudio website.

Access to SAS at UVM

UVM has a limited number of SAS licenses available. Students and researchers who want use SAS should contact Maria Sckolnick and request access. Once the request has been processed, SAS can be accessed on demand through the AppsAnywhere web portal at by typing SAS into the search field.
Offline access will remain available for up to 30 days, after which the user will have to connect to the licensing server to reauthenticate in order to continue to use SAS. Licensing renewal information is updated automatically in AppsAnywhere.

UVM researchers who have a hard copy of SAS installed on their computers can continue to use those versions of SAS. Licensing renewal for those copies of SAS is the responsibility of the researcher. Up-to-date SID (SAS information data) files for versions 9.3 and 9.4 of the SAS System for Windows can be accessed through the AppsAnywhere web portal at by typing SAS into the search field. If you are unable to download these licensing files, contact Maria Sckolnick (and include your UVM netID) to get SAS permissions.

License renewal instructions

SAS 9.3

Download the appropriate SAS 9.3 installation data file and save it to your desktop. Apply the new license information by finding the license renewal utility (SASRenew.exe). In Windows 7, from the "Start" button, go to "All Programs" -> "SAS" -> "Utilities" -> "Renew SAS Software". Windows 8 and 10 users, find the tile named "Renew SAS Software" or search for "SASRenew.exe".

Display detailed renewal instructions for version 9.3

SAS 9.4

Download the appropriate SAS 9.4 installation data file and save it to your desktop. Apply the new license information by finding the license renewal utility. In Windows 7, from the "Start" button, go to "All Programs" -> "SAS" -> "Utilities" -> "Renew SAS Software 9.4". Windows 8 and 10 users, find the tile named "Renew SAS Software 9.4" or search for "Renew SAS Software 9.4".

Display detailed renewal instructions for version 9.4

Information about SPSS licensing and installation is available on UVM's software download portal. Additional installation info is available on the Enterprise Technology Services website.

Information about download and installation of Stata is available at UVM's software download portal.

Information about download and installation of GraphPad Prism is available at UVM's software download portal.

Information about JMP licensing and installation is available on UVM's software download portal. Additional installation information is availble on the Enterprise Technology Services website.

Statistical Software

UVM data and statistical consulting services provide support for the following programs/packages (in order of decreasing expertise):

  • SAS
  • R
  • IBM SPSS Statistics
  • GraphPad Prism
  • Stata
  • JMP