I offer workshops on a variety of data related topics. Check out the calendar below and sign up for one of my next Random Chats about Data.
Workshops are in person to facilitate conversations and discussions. I will touch on the big concepts and then we will look at the nuances on how to apply these bigger ideas to your data for your personal research goals. This will help you get comfortable with data analysis as well as help you understand and interpret data presented in the literature. Please come prepared to talk about your own specific data questions.
Can't make it on campus? - Sign up for a one-on-one online session with me to discuss your statistics and data analysis questions.
How do we work with data sets that have an overabundance of variables? What methods are available and do they do a good job at reducing complexity? This workshop discusses approaches such as stepwise selection, penalized regression and PCA.
During this workshop we will chat about model selection, model assumptions and goodness-of-fit analysis.
During this workshop we will learn when and how to use data projection and ordination methods such as PCA and NMDA.
During this workshop we will discuss methods for data that do not follow a known distribution.
During this workshop we will chat about best practices to organize, format, clean, manage and store data.
During this workshop we will chat about data collection best practices including sampling, sources of bias and sample size.
During this workshop we will chat about how to interpret the output from a statistical analysis such as p-values and confidence intervals and parameter estimates.
During this workshop we will chat about best practices when synthesizing results from cumulating studies.
During this workshop we will explore linear regression, t-tests, ANOVA and other linear models.
During this workshop we will chat about the different software programs available to do data analysis and discuss advantages and disadvantages.
If you would like me to come to your lab or department for a custom workshop, please contact me to discuss your needs.