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The data extraction process involves many steps. This video provides an overview of the process and may help some of the steps listed to the right make more sense.
In addition, this manual provides an excellent overview of the data extraction process and includes examples for each step. It is designed specifically for intervention studies, but the overall principles can be applied to any kind of systematic review.
After you have completed the full-text screening stage and resolved all conflicts, you are ready to move on to the Data Extraction stage of your project. Before you can get started, you will need to decide which extraction tool to use:
You can read more about the differences between Extraction 1 and Extraction 2 in this help document.
To select the extraction tool for your review, go to Settings and select the Review Settings tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the radio button for the tool you want to use. Then click the blue Save button.
The next step is to create a data extraction template where you will gather all of the data you want to collect. To start, click on Extraction and then click the blue Continue button to open the summary window.
Next, click on the blue Data Extraction Template button:
Remember, Extraction Tool 1 is primarily for intervention reviews so the required categories are already set for you, although you can add additional fields if you would like. Extraction Tool 2 is for other types of reviews. Therefore, you will need to do more customization to the data extraction template for that tool. This help document provides specific guidance on how to program the elements you want to include in your template.
When you are finished creating your template, click the blue Publish Template button to make the template available to the other members of the team.
Once the data extraction template is published, reviewers can start processing the articles to be analyzed. To begin, click the Start link for the record you want to analyze:
The PDF of the article will open along side the data extraction form that you created. Read the article and record the information required to complete the data extraction form. Be sure to click the green Save button when finished.
Be sure to click the white Save button periodically to save your work and especially if you are going to leave the extraction screen. If you are going to perform quality assessment, click the Quality Assessment tab and complete the form (see the Quality Assessment page in this guide for more details). If there is no tab, it means that a quality assessment template has not been published. When you are finished, click the blue Send for Consensus button to complete the extraction process.
This help document will walk you through the complete process. This video will demonstrate how to complete the process using Extraction Tool 2: