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Connecting to Library Resources

Tips and tricks for connecting to the library's online journals and databases from anywhere in the world.

What is my IP?

You may see two boxes below with information about your IP. If you have JavaScript enabled in your browser, they should be replaced momentarily with more precise information.

This box shows how a non-UVM site sees you. To be considered on campus, this address must start with 132.198.:

This box shows how a UVM site sees you. This is really only relevant if the other IP shown does not start with 132.198: has a chart showing the meaning of some of the most common IP patterns UVM sites might report.

What does "off campus" mean?

The licenses the library signs for our various resources typically allow use by anyone on the university network but only to authorized users—students, faculty, staff, and employees—from anywhere else. They enforce this by IP address: if your IP address is in the UVM range ("on campus"), then you can access our subscriptions. But if your IP address isn't in UVM's range ("off campus"), you can't. The way we allow our authorized users access from off campus is to run them through EZproxy, which does have a UVM IP address.

So, if you are "on campus", you can go directly to the resource any way you like: Google for it, click on a link on any website, follow links from social media. But, if you're "off campus", you need to use a link that includes EZproxy so they'll know you're authorized. The easiest way to do that is to start at Links from there to databases, journals, and e-books will include EZproxy.

I don't see my address above

Here are some alternatives:

The most important question is whether non-UVM sites see your address as starting with 132.198. If they do, you're considered on campus and can access library resources directly. If not, you are considered off campus and will need to use EZproxy to access library resources. The easiest way to do that is to use links from has a chart showing the meaning of some of the most common IP patterns you may see.