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About - Policy - Media Collection - Loan Period and Circ Guidelines


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Media Collection - Loan Period and Circulation Guidelines


policy takeaways

Policy takeaways:

  • These guidelines share information about how and how long a patron can check out items from our media collection (DVDs, CDs, LPs, more). 
  • For information about checking out media equipment, see the media equipment loan policy.
  • Because media is copyrighted material, the circulation of media is governed by something called "circulation designations." These are determined by contracts signed when the media is purchased.
  • The library adheres to those contracts and asks that patrons do, too.

Text Box

Circulation designations

Circulation designations are determined by contracts signed at the time a media item is purchased. The library must adhere to those signed agreements; exceptions cannot be made for a particular item or case without renegotiating the signed contract.

Designation Viewing Policies
Full Circulation May be viewed within the library by any patron. May be circulated for use outside the library by those having current UVM identification. When shown as part of a public event on campus, the general public may attend. Available through Interlibrary Loan.
Campus Use - Public Performance May be viewed within the library by any patron. May be circulated for use outside the library by those having current UVM identification. When shown as part of a public event on campus, the general public may attend.
Campus Use - Instructional May be viewed within the library only by those having current UVM identification. May be circulated for use outside the library by those having current UVM identification.


Loan periods

DVDs, Videocassettes, and Laserdiscs

Who Number of Items Length of Loan
UVM Students 2 2 days
Due at Noon
UVM Faculty 4 Up to 1 week (depends on the item)
UVM Staff
Emeritus Faculty
2 2 days
Due at Noon
Guest Borrowers
Research Affiliates
N/A Library Use Only


CDs and LPs

Who Number of Items Length of Loan
UVM Students 2 1 week
UVM Faculty no limit 1 week
UVM Staff
Emeritus Faculty
2 1 week
Guest Borrowers
Research Affiliates
N/A Library Use Only


For more information: