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Visit - Visit the Libraries


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Visit the Libraries


Intro Text Box

What can you expect when you visit us? We are three separate buildings that maintain unique collections, hours and places to study. But one thing is consistent – we are full of employees who want to help you, and we strive to make our buildings and offerings as accessible to you as possible. Learn more!

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Card 1 Overview

Outside entrance of Howe library on a sunny day

Hours by location

Find out when the libraries are open and when our service desks are staffed to help you.

Card 1 Overview

Students working in the Silver Special Collections reading room

Places to study

We have many places to suit your study needs! Are you looking for a noisy, collaborative place to work with friends? Or maybe you'd rather a solitary study pod. Learn what you have to reserve and what is first-come-first-serve.

Card 1 Overview

Man standing in front of scanner in Howe

Print + scan

Printers, scanners and copiers are located at all three UVM Libraries locations. Here's what you need to know in order to print, scan, or copy!

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student sitting at laptop in study room

Using computers in the libraries

Are you looking for specialized software or a computer to work on? Do you need to access a virtual desktop somewhere else on campus?

Card 1 Overview

students in a row of study carrels at Dana library

Who can use the libraries?

Everyone is welcome at UVM's libraries. But different patrons have different levels of access to our resources and equipment.

Card 1 Overview

Second floor study area packed with students, Howe library

Accessibility in our buildings

We lay out information, services and things to know that could be useful to users of our spaces with many different types of abilities. Use this page to plan your visit to the libraries in person, or learn about our support.

Card 1 Overview

eclipse exhibit in a case at Silver Special Collections library

Visiting Silver Special Collections Library

Silver Special Collections contains some of the more rare items in the Libraries' wide collection. All are welcome to enjoy this space and work with our materials, however there are times when you'll need to plan ahead.

Card 1 Overview

two people talking during a help consultation

Ask for help

There are so many different ways the Libraries can help with your problems. Are you having a problem accessing something? Are you struggling with our technology? Do you want to work with a librarian? We'll connect you to the right tools and people.

Card 1 Overview

med students walking outside of Dana library

Frequently asked questions

Have more questions about what we do here at UVM Libraries? Look for answers or contact us.


Library locations


Find us

81 Colchester Ave
Burlington, VT 05405

Call us

(802) 656-2200

Dana on the UVM map

Dana Library is located within the Larner Learning Commons. Use the UVM map to find us!

Find us

538 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405

Call us

(802) 656-2023

Howe on the UVM map

Howe Library is located in the center of campus near the Davis Center. Use the UVM map to find us!

Find us

48 University Place, Room B201
Burlington, VT 05405

Call us

(802) 656-2138

Special Collections on the UVM map

Silver Special Collections is located within the historic Billings Library building. Use the UVM map to find us!

Callout Box

We have great partners!

When you visit Howe Library, you can visit some of our partners who reside in the building.

Faculty can find the Center for Teaching and Learning (faculty instructional support) and Writing in the Disciplines' office (faculty support for teaching and writing) on the third floor.

Students can visit the UVM Writing Centers which offer undergrad and graduate support for writing, both of which are located on ground level.