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About - Policy - Donations of Gifts-in-Kind to Dana


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Policy for Prospective Donations of Gifts-in-Kind to Dana Library


policy takeaways

Policy takeaways:

  • Dana Health Sciences Library appreciates the generosity of its patrons and their desire to donate to our collections.
  • Because of limited space and the expense of cataloging new items, we have to be very selective about what donations of materials we can say yes to.
  • We’ve developed criteria for what we will and will not accept.

Text Box

For many years, the Dana Health Sciences Library has benefited from the generosity of its donors. Many important items have been added to the collections, and income from the sales of unneeded items has resulted in additional purchasing power. While the library does not wish to discourage gifts, a more discriminating approach to gift acceptance is now Library policy. The primary reason for this policy is the significant processing effort which accompanies a decision to accept gift collections. In addition, the library finds space to store gifts severely limited due to present overcrowded conditions. The Library will accept donations of books and other publications in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Potential donors are requested to provide in advance a list of materials being offered so that their relevance to the library's collection can be assessed.
  • Publications received in the Library as gifts will be reviewed by the same standards as apply to new materials selected.
  • Gift materials requiring continuing obligations on the part of the Library will not be accepted without serious consideration.
  • The Library has the right to dispose of unwanted materials.
  • The policy regarding the acceptance of gift periodicals (back issues of journals) is to decline the gift unless the issue or issues fill a gap in the collection. The exception will be the rare or costly set. Items published in Vermont are considered exceptions at times.
  • The Library will abide by the University's policy on gifts as outline in the "UVM Gift Policy". This includes such items as:
    • UVM cannot provide appraisals: it is the responsibility of the donor to establish value.
    • Gifts will be acknowledged by the Library
  • Lists of items of gifts are not prepared by Library staff; however, if the donor submits a list with the gift, a copy is attached to the acknowledgement letter.
  • Gift materials added to the collections may be plated indicating the source of the gift.
  • It is usually the responsibility of the donor to arrange for delivery of the gift items. In some situations, it may be advisable for Dana faculty to physically examine a collection prior to a decision considering delivery being made.
  • Artifacts are not generally accepted.

Questions about donations should be sent to Sandy Aldrich, (802) 656-2258. Please direct any questions or concerns about this policy to the director of Dana Health Sciences Library.