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Visiting Special Collections


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What specific things do you need to know to visit Silver Special Collections Library? Learn what you need to know about getting here, then working with materials in our reading room.

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Getting here

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Special Collections welcomes everyone - students, faculty, staff, researchers and the general public. Come use our collections, view exhibits and attend events.

Special Collections is located in Room B201 of Billings Library at 48 University Place. The accessible entrance is at the back of the building, adjacent to accessible parking spaces.

If you enter by the accessible entrance, Special Collections is on the right.

If you enter through the main front entrance, the easiest way to reach Special Collections is to take the elevator down to the second level. Turn left when you exit the elevator and enter Special Collections just ahead on your left.

Driving directions

To reach Billings Library at 48 University Place from Interstate 89, get off at Exit 14W and merge on to US 2 West/Williston Rd./Main St. toward Burlington. Travel approximately 1.8 miles to University Place and turn right. Billings is the fifth building on the right.


You will most likely need to park in a UVM visitor lot and walk to Billings Library. Two accessible parking spaces and three metered short-term spaces (two for 30 minutes and one for two hours) are available in the small parking lot next to the building. The short-term spaces are Pay by App. Free weekday evening after 6:00 pm and weekend parking is available in the University’s Votey Lot to the east of Ira Allen Chapel, next to Billings (entrance on Colchester Avenue).

Walking directions from Howe Library

Exit the Howe Library and turn right towards the UVM Green. Just before you reach the Green, you will be at University Place. Turn right on University Place and walk about 0.2 miles past Old Mill and Williams Hall until you reach Billings Library at 48 University Place.

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Once you're here

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  • All Special Collections material must be used in the reading room.
  • You may bring pencils, notebooks, paper, a laptop computer or tablet, and a cell phone or camera for self-service photography into the reading room.
  • You may not bring pens, food, beverages, bags, coats, umbrellas, or skateboards into the reading room. Lockers are available at no charge for secure storage of personal items.
  • Silence cell phones and take calls outside the reading room.
  • Handle all materials with care.
  • Do not add or remove any marks on Special Collections material.
  • You may browse and retrieve Vermont Research Collection materials shelved in the open stacks.
  • Special Collections staff will retrieve all materials shelved in the closed stacks upon request.
  • When working with a manuscript or archival collection, use one box at a time, and remove one folder at a time. Maintain the order of items within a folder. Keep archival materials flat on the table.
  • Use book cradles and weights provided by staff.
  • After consultation with staff, you may copy, photograph or scan material for personal research at no charge using a personal camera or the department's copier and scanners.

Campus visitors can access the UVM Guest wireless network in a few ways.

  • Self-sponsored account: A self-sponsored account requires the use of SMS text messages to complete the process.
  • Sponsored account: A sponsored account requires a UVM affiliate to create the account. Please check in with a Special Collections librarian about this option.
  • eduroam: Members of the eduroam federation can access wifi at all participating institutions. Many research and education institutions are part of eduroam.

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