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Music and audio

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Learn about the music and audio available through UVM Libraries. We have classical and jazz music, poetry readings, scholarship about music, musical scores, folk music and more.

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  • Search CATQuest, our library catalog for a specific title
  • Tip: Use Advanced Search to limit your search to the material type Audio - Streaming.
  • Or look for both recorded music and articles about music in one of our databases.
  • Search CATQuest to find CDs or records. You’ll find a variety of content in this format including classical and jazz music, poetry readings and foreign language instruction.
  • Tip: used Advanced Search to limit your search by the material type Audio - CD (which should also include records).
  • If the search results indicate the CD comes from the Media Library, stop by the Media Services Desk at Howe Library to check out the CD.
  • You can also borrow an external drive to plug into your computer to play the CD.
  • If the search results indicate that the audio comes from Silver Special Collections, visit their reference desk to use this material.
  • Search for musical scores and sheet music in CATQuest .
  • Use Advanced Search to limit by the material type Scores.
  • If you're interested in local history, find information about music and other performing arts in Vermont at Silver Special Collections Library

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Contact us

Contact our Media Services Desk or Silver Special Collections with questions about music and audio.

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Excerpt from a spiral bound notebook showing a song called Adieu Venise Provencale. The song title is written in red, the rest is hand-written cursive in blue ink.

Martha Pellerin Collection of Franco-American Song

Find recordings, written lyrics and interviews reflecting French Canadian traditions from the mid-twentieth century online in our Digital Collections. Music was an important aspect of Franco-American culture in northern New England at that time as French Canadians migrated to Vermont towns and cities to work industrial jobs.

Browse the collection