The Rare Book Collection covers a wide range of materials, from medieval manuscripts to modern artists’ books. The collection includes the Libraries’ books printed before 1800, books that exist only in very small numbers or that have significant monetary value, collections of particular presses or publishers, and collections that serve teaching or research needs.
A collection of herbals includes an illustrated manuscript herbal in Italian, produced around 1500, and many important printed herbals from the sixteenth century (and later), including works by Johannes de Cuba, Leonhart Fuchs, Otto Brunfels, Petro Mattioli, Rembert Dodoens, and John Gerarde.
Pictured left, excerpt from a 15th or 16th century Italian Herbal.
Manuscripts include several dozen individual leaves as well as complete codices from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries, on theology, classical literature, and other topics. Early printed books include more than three dozen incunabula (books printed before 1501) and thousands of seventeenth-century imprints. Digital versions of our medieval and renaissance manuscripts are available online in UVM Libraries Digital Collections.
Pictured left, excerpt from a 15th century Book of Hours.
The Rare Book Collection provides many resources for the study of historical and contemporary book production, including papermaking, printing, illustration, and binding. British and American fine and private presses are well represented. A large collection of North American and British artists' books include works by Vermont artists and UVM faculty and students.
Pictured left on top shelf: In the event of moon disaster, by Melissa Wagner-Lawler