This Women’s History Month, learn about female farmers here in Vermont and beyond. In collaboration with Fleming Museum’s Vermont Female Farmers exhibit, UVM Libraries is featuring Women in Agriculture. Explore this book display in order to learn more about the history of women farmers, their stories, and how women are leading innovation in the field of agriculture. Find these titles and more by visiting the display located in the Howe Library lobby.
Vermont Female Farmers
On view February 4 – May 17, 2025, at the Fleming Museum of Art
Passion, labor, and grit abound in this striking portrait series from Vermont-based photographer JuanCarlos González. Whether capturing moments of intense concentration or joyous pride, the 45 works are an intimate look at the daily life and livelihoods of the women whose hands shape farming in Vermont.
Women in agriculture : professionalizing rural life in North America and Europe, 1880-1965
Women who dig : farming, feminism, and the fight to feed the world by
On behalf of the family farm : Iowa farm women's activism since 1945 by
Wild mares : my lesbian back-to-the-land life by
Everyday sustainability : gender justice and fair trade tea in Darjeeling by
Turn here sweet corn : organic farming works by
Beyond the kitchen table : Black women and global food systems
The rise of women farmers and sustainable agriculture by
The Midwest farmer's daughter : in search of an American icon by
Putting the barn before the house : women and family farming in early-twentieth-century New York by
Queen of American agriculture : a biography of Virginia Claypool Meredith by
More than a farmer's wife : voices of American farm women, 1910-1960 by
Fruits of victory : the Woman's Land Army of America in the Great War by
Women and sustainable agriculture : interviews with 14 agents of change by
Living off the land : women farmers of today by
Working the land : the stories of ranch and farm women in the modern American West by