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Services - Share Your Research and Work


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Share Your Research and Work


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UVM Libraries scholarly communication services support members of the UVM community in increasing the availability and discoverability of the products of their research and creative activities. We promote open scholarship to increase the availability and discoverability of UVM research outputs, to enable compliance with funder and publisher open access mandates, and to promote a more transparent, inclusive, and trustworthy research ecosystem.

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Make an appointment with the scholarly communications librarian

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Services to support UVM authors

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Open-access (OA) publishing

Explore open-access opportunities:

Open-access publishing and your work:

Contact our scholarly communication librarian to discuss these activities and more:

  • Depositing your author-accepted manuscript in UVM ScholarWorks or other repository. This practice is also known as “Green OA.”
  • Depositing preprints, data, software, protocols or other research artifacts in repositories.

Email your scholarly communications librarian

Copyright and fair use

Contact our scholarly communication librarian for help with topics such as:

  • Copyright provisions in author publishing agreements.
  • Reuse of copyrighted material in publications.

Email your scholarly communications librarian

Journal and book publisher evaluation

Email your scholarly communications librarian

Research impact

UVM ScholarWorks

UVM ScholarWorks is the UVM repository for research where you can both find and share work.

  • UVM Faculty and staff may submit reports, presentations, newsletter articles, creative works and other materials not published elsewhere, as well as the appropriate version of published journal articles and book chapters.
  • UVM Students deposit capstone projects and other scholarly works in existing student-focused collections at the invitation of the student’s college, school, or program.

Contact our scholarly communication librarian to discuss UVM ScholarWorks operations and opportunities, including:

  • Applying, extending, or ending an embargo (restricted access to a submission for a period of time).
  • Tracking downloads and other metrics.
  • Creating new collections.

Email your scholarly communications librarian

Request a workshop or presentation on scholarly communication topics, including:

  • Journal evaluation.
  • Open access and open scholarship.
  • Impact factors and alternatives.

Email your scholarly communications librarian